Faculty Sponsor/Contact: Randi Collier

Membership Requirement: Students fill out an application along with 2 teacher recommendations.  There is no minimum GPA for membership.  

Financial Obligations/Dues: $20 dues for all members, includes a T-shirt.

Mission/Purpose: The purposes of this club are for: Rotary members to recognize the positive change implemented by youth and young adults as the fifth Avenue of Service, Youth Service, through an active and personal commitment to empower young people to take action through community and international service, develop leadership skills, and gain a global perspective that fosters world peace and cultural understanding; and for Students and youth to take action through community and international service, discover new cultures and promote international understanding as global citizens, develop skills to become school and community leaders, make friends locally and globally, and have fun while recognizing the importance of Service Above Self.

Activities: Annual fundraiser and a variety of community service activities as well as monthly meetings.