Dr. Jenrette
Social Sciences Teacher
Courses Taught
AP Psychology
Honors World History
World History
Dr. Jenrette is a proud alumnus of HOCO. He received his B.S. in Psychology and his M.A.T. in Social Sciences from Georgia College & State University. Go Bobcats! He received his Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from Mercer University. Go Bears! He is the sponsor of the Psychological Society and an assistant coach for the golf program. He has been teaching in the Social Sciences for over 16 years. He is happily married to his wife, Ashley. They have two awesome children, Sophie and Tucker.
AP Psychology
Online Support
- 11 What is Hypnosis.mp4
- 10 How Are Psychoactive Drugs Classified.mp4
- 9 How Do Drugs Influence Neural Communication.mp4
- 8 Dreaming_ Freud, Activation-Synthesis, and Information Processing.mp4
- 7 Sleep Disorders (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 6 What Happens When You Don't Get Enough Sleep.mp4
- 5 Stages of Sleep (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 4 The Circadian Rhythm (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 3 Characteristics of Consciousness (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 2 Levels of Consciousness (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 1 Types of Consciousness (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 1 Intro to Social Psychology.mp4
- 2 Culture & Cultural Dimensions.mp4
- 3 On Being Sane in Insane Places - The Rosenhan Study.mp4
- 3 The Self and Others.mp4
- 4 Attitudes, Behavior, & Cognitive Dissonance.mp4
- 5 The Presence of Others Social Facilitation Social Loafing.mp4
- 6 Conformity.mp4
- 7 Compliance & Persuasion.mp4
- 8 Obedience & the Milgram Study.mp4
- 9 Attraction & Relationship Formation.mp4
- 10 Attractiveness.mp4
- 11 Situation, Disposition, & The Fundamental Attribution Error.mp4
- 12 Impression Formation.mp4
- 13 Stereotypes, Prejudice, & Discrimination.mp4
- 14 The Robber's Cave Study - Improving Group Relations.mp4
- 15 Group Polarization & Groupthink.mp4
- 16 Crowd Behavior & Deindividuation.mp4
- 17 The Stanford Prison Study.mp4
- 18 The Bystander Effect.mp4
- 19 Altruism & Prosocial Behavior.mp4
- 1 Treatment of Mental Illness.mp4
- 2 Types of Treatment Psychoanalytic, Humanistic & Behavioral.mp4
- 3 Cognitive Therapy, CBT, & Group Approaches.mp4
- 4 Biomedical Approaches Psychopharmacology.mp4
- 5 Evaluating Medications & Other Biomedical Interventions.mp4
- 6 Comparing Effectiveness & Lifestyle Factors.mp4
- 1 What is Normal.mp4
- 2 Deviance, Dysfunction, Distress, & Disorders.mp4
- 3 On Being Sane in Insane Places - The Rosenhan Study.mp4
- 4 The DSM-5.mp4
- 5 The Diathesis Stress Model.mp4
- 6 Culture and Mental Illness.mp4
- 7 DSM-5 Disorders & Diagnoses.mp4
- 8 Anxiety Disorders.mp4
- 9 Somatic Symptoms & Related Disorders.mp4
- 10 Dissociative Disorders.mp4
- 11 Neurodevelopmental Disorders.mp4
- 12 Schizophrenia Spectrum & Other Psychotic Disorders.mp4
- 13 Feeding & Eating Disorders.mp4
- 14 Depressive Disorders.mp4
- 15 Bipolar & Related Disorders.mp4
- 16 Personality Disorders, Psychopathy, & Sociopathy.mp4
- 1 Language Acquisition - Skinner vs. Chomsky (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 2 Introduction to Linguistics (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 3 Universal Grammar (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 4 Language Development (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 5 How Does Language Influence Thought.mp4
- 6 Category Recognition (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 7 Problem Solving (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 8 Obstacles to Problem Solving (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 9 Problem-Solving_ Algorithms vs. Heuristics (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 10 The Availability Heuristic (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 11 The Representativeness Heuristic (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 12 The Framing Effect (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 1 Introduction to Sensation and Perception (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 2 Psychophysics! (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 3 Parts of the Eye_ How Vision Works (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 4 Photoreceptors, Receptive Fields, and Lateral Inhibition (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 5 Color Vision_ Trichromatic and Opponent Process Theories (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 6 Understanding Colorblindness (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 7 How Hearing Works_ Parts of the Ear (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 8 Vestibular Sense_ Balance.mp4
- 9 Olfaction_ Sense of Smell (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 10 Gustation_ Taste Perception (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 11 Synesthesia_ Mingling the Senses (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 12 Gestalt Laws of Perception (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 13 Perceptual Constancy (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 14 Depth Perception (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 15 Culture and Perception (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 1 Learning Theory.mp4
- 2 Extinction, Generalization, and Discrimination.mp4
- 3 Scared Infants and Sick Rats_ Aversive Conditioning (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 4 Operant Conditioning_ Behavior.mp4
- 5 Operant Boxes and Schedules of Reinforcement.mp4
- 6 Chaining, Shaping, and Instinctive Drift.mp4
- 7 The Premack Principle (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 8 Observational Learning_ Bandura's Bobo Doll Study (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 9 The Rescorla-Wagner Model (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 10 Latent Learning and Cognitive Maps.mp4
- 11 Abstract Learning and Insight Learning.mp4
- 1 Introduction to Memory (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 2 Sensory Memory (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 3 Short-Term Memory and Working Memory (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 4 Long-Term Memory (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 5 Memory Failures_ Transience, Absentmindedness,.mp4
- 7 Emotionand Memory.mp4
- 6 Memory Failures 2_ Misattribution, Suggestibility, Bias, and Persistence.mp4
- 8 Biology of Memory_ The Hippocampus (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 9 Long-Term Potentiation (LTP) (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 10 Memory Improvement Techniques (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 1 How Do Emotions Happen.mp4
- 2 Misattribution of Arousal (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 3 Emotions in the Brain (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 4 Emotion Pathways in the Brain (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 5 Emotional Regulation (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 6 The Expression of Emotions (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 7 Motivation - Instincts.mp4
- 8 Drive Reduction Theory (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 9 Arousal Theory, Yerkes-Dodson Law, and Flow (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 10 Hunger Signaling (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 11 Masters and Johnson Human Sexual Response Cycle.mp4
- 12 Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 13 Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivations.mp4
- 14 Delay of Gratification.mp4
- 15 Conscious and Unconscious- Approach and Avoidance Motivations.mp4
- 1 Psychoanalysis and Freudian Personality Structure.mp4
- 2 Freudian Psychosexual Stages.mp4
- 3 Freudian Defense Mechanisms (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 4 Psychodynamic Theorists; Adler, Horney, Jung (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 5 Projective Techniques - The Rorschach Inkblot Test and the TAT (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 6 The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory - MMPI (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 7 Which Personality Traits Matter.mp4
- 8 The Five Factor Model or Big Five (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 9 The Socio-Cognitive Approach to Personality (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 10 Existential Psychology (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 11 Humanistic Psychology - Abraham Maslow.mp4
- 12 The Self and Reciprocal Determinism (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 13 Self-Efficacy, Locus of Control, and Self-Perception (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 1 Developmental Psychology- Erikson 8 Stages of Man or Psychosocial Stages.mp4
- 2 Prenatal Development (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 3 Infancy Stage_ Motor and Perceptual Development.mp4
- 4 Brain Development (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 5 Cognitive Development - Piaget_ Assimilation.mp4
- 6 Cognitive Development_ Sensorimotor Stage (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 7 Cognitive Development_ Preoperational Stage (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 8 Cognitive Development_ Concrete and Formal Operational Stages.mp4
- 9 Lev Vygotsky and Zone of Proximal Development.mp4
- 10 Attachment and Bonding.mp4
- 11 Baumrind's Parenting Styles (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 12 Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 13 Puberty and Adolescence.mp4
- 14 Adulthood and Aging (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 1 Neuron Structure - Parts of a Neuron (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 2 The Action Potential (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 3 How Neurons Communicate_ The Synapse (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 4 What Happens to Neurotransmitters After Release.mp4
- 5 Introduction to Neurotransmitters (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 6 Influence on Neurotransmitter_ Agonist or Antagonist.mp4
- 7 Early Methods of Studying the Brain (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 8 Brain Scanning and Imaging Techniques (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 9 Organization of the Nervous System (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 10 Parts of the Brain_ Hindbrain Structures (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 11 Parts of the Brain_ Forebrain_ Subcortical Structures (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 12 Parts of the Brain_ Forebrain; Cerebral Cortex (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 13 Split Brains_ What Happens When You Sever the Corpus Callosum.mp4
- 14 Introduction to Genetics and Shared Genes (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 15 What is Heritability.mp4
- 1 What is Intelligence.mp4
- 2 How Should We Define Intelligence.mp4
- 3 Assessing Intelligence (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 4 Assessing Assessments - Types of Validity (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 5 Reliability of Assessments (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 6 History of Intelligence Testing (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 7 IQ Variation and Distribution.mp4
- 8 Sex Differences in IQ (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 9 Racial Differences in IQ (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 10 The Flynn Effect and Environmental Factors on IQ (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 11 Expectation, Mindset, and IQ (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 12 Stereotype Threat.mp4
- History of Psychology _ Psychology.mp4
- Modern Perspectives _ Psychology.mp4
- 4 Research Designs _ Psychology.mp4
- 1 Nature VS Nurture.mp4
- 2 Structuralism and Functionalism (Intro Psych Tutorial.mp4
- 3 Difficulties of Psychological Research.mp4
- 4 The Scientific Mindset.mp4
- 5 Observer Bias Clever Horses and Dull Rats.mp4
- 6 Operational Definitions and Construct Validity.mp4
- 7 Case Studies and the Survey Method.mp4
- 8 Populations and Samples.mp4
- 9 Real and Illusory Correlations- Scatterplots- Causation.mp4
- 10 The Third Variable Problem.mp4
- 11 The Experimental Method.mp4
- 12 Measures of Central Tendency.mp4
- 13 Difference between a Theory and a Hypothesis.mp4
- 14 Measures of Variance- Range and Standard Deviation.mp4
- 15 Frequency Distributions- Normal Curves- and Skew.mp4
- 16 Understanding Significance and P-values.mp4
- 17 Internal Validity.mp4
- 18 External Validity.mp4
- Psychology_ 8.1 Introduction to Psychological Disorders.mp4
- Psychology_ 8.2 Psychological Perspectives and Etiology of Disorders.mp4
- Psychology_ 8.3 Neurodevelopmental and Schizophrenic Disorders.mp4
- AP Psychology_ 1.1 Introducing Psychology.mp4
- AP Psychology_ 1.2, 1.4 Research Methods in Psychology.mp4
- AP Psychology_ 1.3, 1.6 Experimental Method and Ethical Guidelines.mp4
- AP Psychology_ 1.5 Statistical Analysis in Psychology.mp4
- AP Psychology_ 2.1-2.2 Heredity, Environment, and the Endocrine System.mp4
- AP Psychology_ 2.3-2.4 The Nervous System, Neurons, and Neural Firing.mp4
- AP Psychology_ 2.5, 2.7 Drug Influences and Tools for Examining the Brain.mp4
- AP Psychology_ 2.6 The Brain.mp4
- AP Psychology_ 2.8-2.9 The Adaptable Brain, Sleeping, and Dreaming.mp4
- AP Psychology_ 3.1, 3.3 Sensation and Visual Anatomy.mp4
- AP Psychology_ 3.2, 3.4 Principles of Perception and Visual Perception.mp4
- AP Psychology_ 3.5-37 Auditory Sensation, Chemical Senses, and Body Senses.mp4
- AP Psychology_ 4.1, 4.4 Social and Cognitive Factors in Learning.mp4
- AP Psychology_ 4.2 Classical Conditioning.mp4
- AP Psychology_ 4.3 Operant Conditioning (1).mp4
- AP Psychology_ 5.1-5.3 Memory, Encoding, and Storing.mp4
- AP Psychology_ 5.4-5.6 Retrieving, Forgetting, and Biological Bases for Memory.mp4
- AP Psychology_ 5.7-5.8, 5.11 Thinking, Problem-Solving, Biases, and Language.mp4
- AP Psychology_ 5.9-5.10 Intelligence and Intelligence Testing.mp4
- AP Psychology_ 6.1-6.3 Physical, Social, and Cognitive Develo General Settings Manage Documentspment in Childhood.mp4
- AP Psychology_ 6.4-6.7 Adolescence, Adulthood, Moral Development, and Gender.mp4
- AP Psychology_ 7.1-7.2 Motivation.mp4
- Session 1 Examining Approaches.mp4
- Session 2 Reviewing Our Body’s Two Communication Systems.mp4
- Session 3 How Our Mind.mp4
- Session 4 How We Learn to Associate Stimuli with Responses.mp4
- Session 5 How Our Mind Uses Information & How Well It Uses It.mp4
- Session 6 How We Develop Socially, Cognitively, & Biologically.mp4
- Session 7 How Our Motivations, Emotions & Stressors Influence Us.mp4
- Session 8 How Other People, Even When They’re Not Present, Affect Us.mp4
- 1 Psychology Is a Science _ Psychology.mp4
- 2 History of Psychology _ Psychology.mp4
- 3 Modern Perspectives _ Psychology.mp4
- 4 Research Designs _ Psychology.mp4
- 5 Research Challenges _ Psychology.mp4
- 6 Using Statistics in Psychology _ Psychology (1).mp4
- Symmetry and Skewness (1.8).mp4
- 7 Decision-Making and Problem-Solving _ Psychology.mp4
- 8 Language _ Psychology.mp4
- 9 Defining and Categorizing Intelligence _ Psychology.mp4
- 10 Biological and Environmental Influences on Intelligence _ Psychology.mp4
- 11 Measuring Intelligence _ Psychology.mp4
- 12 Attention _ Psychology.mp4
- 13 Sleep _ Psychology.mp4
- 14 Dreams _ Psychology.mp4
- 15 Consciousness-Altering Drugs _ Psychology.mp4
- 16 Defining Consciousness _ Psychology.mp4
- 17 Hypnosis _ Psychology.mp4
- 18 Memory Systems _ Psychology.mp4
- 19 Encoding and Enhancing Memories _ Psychology.mp4
- 20 Storing Memories _ Psychology.mp4
- 21 Retrieving Memories _ Psychology.mp4
- 22 Memory Errors _ Psychology.mp4
- 23 Motivation _ Psychology.mp4
- 24 Sexual Behavior _ Psychology.mp4
- 25 Emotion _ Psychology.mp4
- 26 Defining Psychological Disorders _ Psychology.mp4
- 27 Anxiety Disorders and PTSD _ Psychology.mp4
- 28 Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders _ Psychology.mp4
- 29 Mood Disorders and Suicide _ Psychology.mp4
- 30 Schizophrenia Spectrum and Dissociative Disorders _ Psychology.mp4
- 31 Personality Disorders _ Psychology.mp4
- 32 Feeding and Eating Disorders _ Psychology.mp4
- 33 Autism Spectrum Disorder _ Psychology.mp4
- 34 Attention-Deficit_Hyperactivity Disorder _ Psychology.mp4
- 35 Defining Stress _ Psychology.mp4
- 36 Physical Responses to Stress _ Psychology.mp4
- 37 Emotional and Behavioral Responses to Stress _ Psychology.mp4
- 38 Classical Conditioning _ Psychology.mp4
- 39 Operant Conditioning _ Psychology.mp4
- 40 Social Development _ Psychology.mp4
- 41 Cognitive Development _ Psychology.mp4
- 42 Psychodynamic Theory _ Psychology.mp4
- 43 Contemporary Perspectives _ Psychology.mp4
- 44 Personality Traits _ Psychology.mp4
- 45 Personality Assessment _ Psychology.mp4
- 46 Insight Therapies _ Psychology.mp4
- 47 Behavior Therapy _ Psychology.mp4
- 48 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy _ Psychology.mp4
- 49 Genetics and Evolutionary Psychology _ Psychology.mp4
- 50 Studying the Brain _ Psychology.mp4
- 51 Sensation versus Perception _ Psychology.mp4
- 52 Social Influence _ Psychology.mp4
- 53 Helping Others and Building Relationships _ Psychology.mp4
- 54 Antisocial Behavior _ Psychology.mp4
- 55 Social Cognition _ Psychology.mp4
- Unit 1 Psychology and Its History Key Terms Update.docx
- Unit 1 Myers Psychology Text.pdf
- Unit 1 Psychology's History and Approaches PPT.pptx
- Unit 1 History Packet.pdf
- APMyers3e_Unit 01 - Strive Answer Key.pdf
- Perspectives in Psychology Flashcards.pdf
- 1 Psychology Is a Science _ Psychology.mp4
- 2 History of Psychology _ Psychology.mp4
- 3 Modern Perspectives _ Psychology.mp4
- Discovering Psychology.wmv
- Nature vs. Nurture.wmv
- Twins Nature or Nurture.flv
- Unit 2 Research Methods Key Terms.docx
- Unit 2 Research Methods PPT.pptx
- Unit 2 Research Methods Packet.pdf
- APMyers3e_Unit 02 - Strive Answer Key.pdf
- Research Advantages and Disadvantages.pdf
- Comparing Research Methods Chart.doc
- Statistical Significance and P-Values.pdf
- Sections of a Research Article PPT.ppt
- Dissecting Articles _1 Gifted Students and Perfectionism Article Cyberlab.doc
- Dissecting a Research Journal Article_Student Copy Cyberlab.docx
- Dissecting a Research Journal Article_Teacher Copy Cyberlab.docx
- Research Methods Terms.pdf
- Statistics Terms.pdf
- Identifying Variables with the Simpsons.doc
- Correlation and Research Methods Review Activities.doc
- Psychological Research_ Crash Course Psychology .mp4
- 4 Research Designs _ Psychology.mp4
- 5 Research Challenges _ Psychology.mp4
- 6 Using Statistics in Psychology _ Psychology (1).mp4
- Symmetry and Skewness (1.8).mp4
- P Value Explained _ What is a P-Value.mp4
- Understanding Significance and P-values (Intro Psych Tutorial .mp4
- Understanding the p-value - Statistics Help.wmv
- 1 Difficulties of Psychological Research (Intro Psych Tutorial .mp4
- 2 The Scientific Mindset_ Skepticism and Humility (Intro Psych Tutorial .mp4
- 3 Observer Bias_ Clever Horses and Dull Rats (Intro Psych Tutorial .mp4
- 4 Operational Definitions and Construct Validity (Intro Psych Tutorial .mp4
- 5 Case Studies and the Survey Method (Intro Psych Tutorial .mp4
- 6 Populations and Samples (Intro Psych Tutorial .mp4
- 7 Real and Illusory Correlations, Scatterplots, and Causation (Intro Psych Tutorial .mp4
- 8 The Third Variable Problem (Intro Psych Tutorial .mp4
- 9 The Experimental Method (Intro Psych Tutorial .mp4
- 10 Measures of Central Tendency (Intro Psych Tutorial .mp4
- 11 Difference between a Theory and a Hypothesis (Intro Psych Tutorial .mp4
- 12 Measures of Variance_ Range and Standard Deviation (Intro Psych Tutorial .mp4
- 13 Frequency Distributions, Normal Curves, and Skew (Intro Psych Tutorial .mp4
- 14 Understanding Significance and P-values (Intro Psych Tutorial .mp4
- 15 Internal Validity (Intro Psych Tutorial .mp4
- 16 External Validity (Intro Psych Tutorial .mp4
- Unit 3 Biology Key Terms.docx
- Unit 3 PPT.pptx
- Unit 3 Biology Packet.pdf
- APMyers3e_Unit 03 - Strive Answer Key.pdf
- Parts of the Brain Quiz.docx
- Patients with Broca's and Wernicke's area aphasia questions.docx
- Neuron Paragraph and Diagram.pdf
- The Human Nervous System _ Biopsychology.mp4
- Neuron Synapse.wmv
- Neurons-How they work-Human Brain.wmv
- Central Nervous System Reflex Arc.wmv
- Dr Daniel Siegel presenting a Hand Model of the Brain.wmv
- Brain Imaging Techniques.docx
- Russian Experiments Make Pet Foxes.mp4
- Action Potential.wmv
- Brain Anatomy and Functions.wmv
- Split brain behavioral experiments.wmv
- Phineas Gage.wmv
- Phineas Gage.reinactment.wmv
- Learn Human Body - Endocrine System.wmv
- What are twin studies.wmv
- The placebo effect.wmv
- Unit 4 Sensation and Perception Key Terms.docx
- Unit 4 PPT.pptx
- Unit 4 Sensation and Perception Packet.pdf
- APMyers3e_Unit 04 - Strive Answer Key.pdf
- The Eye Diagram.pdf
- The Ear Diagram.pdf
- What is Hypnosis- Ernest Hilgard.mp4
- hypnosis-video.asf
- Video Describing the Process of Hearing and How it Works MED-EL.wmv
- Causes and Types of Hearing Loss.wmv
- Seeing Color.asf
- Supertasters Taste Buds.mp4
- hypnosis-video.asf
- Unit 5 States of Consciousness Key Terms.docx
- Unit 5 States of Consciousness PPT.pptx
- Unit 5 States of Consciousness Packet.pdf
- APMyers3e_Unit 05 - Strive Answer Key.pdf
- Dream Interpretation Activity.doc
- Awake Brain Waves.wmv
- Stage 1 Sleep Waves.wmv
- Stage 2 Sleep Waves.wmv
- Stage 4 Sleep Waves.wmv
- REM Sleep Waves.wmv
- Sleep Disorders Overview.wmv
- Freud.mov
- Unit 6 Learning Key Terms.docx
- Unit 6 Learning PPT.pptx
- Unit 6 Learning Packet.pdf
- APMyers3e_Unit 06 - Strive Answer Key.pdf
- GP-Learning-Reinforcement worksheet.pdf
- Examples of Schedules.doc
- Reinforcement and Punishment AND schedules of reinforcement.doc
- Reinforcement vs Punishment Activity.doc
- Classical Conditioning Ivan Pavlov.wmv
- Ivan Pavlov Classical Conditioning.mp4
- Pavlov.wmv
- Pavlov's Dogs Get Conditioned.wmv
- Watson and Little Albert.wmv
- Thorndike-Law of Effect.wmv
- Skinner- pigeons and schedules of reinforcement.wmv
- Operant Game- Pigeons.wmv
- Big_Bang_Theory_Operant_Conditioning.wmv
- Virtual Rat Skinner Box.mov
- Bandura Bobo Doll- Observational Learning.wmv
- Insight Learning- Bird and Banana.wmv
- Unit 7 Cognition and Language Key Terms.docx
- Unit 7 Cognition and Language PPT.pptx
- Unit 7 Cognition and Language Packet.pdf
- APMyers3e_Unit 07 - Strive Answer Key.pdf
- Proactive VS Retroactive Interference_.pdf
- Context Memory IV and DV.pdf
- Language Development Chomsky vs Skinner Activity.doc
- Three Types of Memory.doc
- Atkinson and Shiffrin Model of Memory.mp4
- Miller's Magic Number.mp4
- HM and the Hippocampus.mp4
- Clive_Wearing.wmv.wmv
- Loftus and Palmer (1974).mp4
- Long Term Memory _ Tulving (1972) _ Procedural, Semantic .mp4
- SELF RECOGNITION and Children.wmv
- Test Your Awareness Do The Test.wmv
- Unit 8 Motivation Emotion and Stress Key Terms.docx
- Unit 8 Motivations Emotions and Stress PPT.pptx
- Unit 8 Motivation Emotion and Stress Packet.pdf
- APMyers3e_Unit 08 - Strive Answer Key.pdf
- Maslow hierarchy of needs.mp4
- Theories of Emotion Activity.doc
- Theories of Motivation Activity.doc
- Harry Harlow Monkey.wmv
- (Yerkes-Dodson Law) Shot Science Basketball.wmv
- Kinsey Masters and Johnson.mp4
- Unit 9 Development Key Terms.docx
- Unit 9 Development PPT.pptx
- Unit 9 Development Packet.pdf
- APMyers3e_Unit 09 - Strive Answer Key.pdf
- Primary Reflexes.wmv
- Piaget vs. Erikson Stages Review.pdf
- Piaget - Stage 1 - Sensorimotor Object Permenence.wmv
- Piaget - Stage 2 - Preoperational - Lack of Conservation.wmv
- Egocentrism for Stage 2 with Stage 3 Comparison.wmv
- Piaget - Stage 3 - Concrete - Reversibility.wmv
- Concrete VS Formal operational child.wmv
- Piaget - Stage 4 - Formal - Deductive Reasoning.wmv
- Zone of Proximal Development.wmv
- Development Envelope Activity.pdf
- Piaget meets Santa.pdf
- The Strange Situation _ Mary Ainsworth, 1969 _ Developmental Psychology.mp4
- Secure, Avoidant & Ambivalent Attachment in Mothers & Babies.mp4
- Overview of Lawrence Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development.mp4
- Teen Titans Go 5 stages of grief.mp4
- Unit 10 Personality Key Terms.docx
- Unit 10 Personality PPT.pptx
- Unit 10 Personality Packet.pdf
- APMyers3e_Unit 10 - Strive Answer Key.pdf
- Defense Mechanism Practice.pdf
- Freud's Defense Mechanisms.wmv
- Personality Activities.pdf
- Freuds Psychosexual Stages.wmv
- Freud's The Id Ego and Superego.wmv
- Id Ego Superego and Def Mech-ABRIDGED.pdf
- Unit 11 Testing and Individual Differences Key Terms.docx
- Unit 11 Testing and Individual Differences PPT.pptx
- Unit 11 Testing and ID Packet.pdf
- APMyers3e_Unit 11 - Strive Answer Key.pdf
- Daniel Goleman Introduces Emotional Intelligence.mp4
- Savant Syndrome.asf
- Savant Syndrome.mp4
- Stereotype Threat.mp4
- Unit 12 Abnormal Behavior Key Terms.docx
- Unit 12 Abnormal Behaviors PPT.pptx
- Unit 12 Abnormal Packet.pdf
- APMyers3e_Unit 12 - Strive Answer Key.pdf
- On Being Sane In Insane Places _ David Rosenhan's Hospital Experiment _ Mental Health .mp4
- Bipolar Overview.wmv
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.wmv
- Schizophrenia Overview.wmv
- Hypochondria Diagnosis.flv
- Medical mystery Conversion Disorder.mp4
- Unit 13 Treatment of Abnormal Behavior Key Terms.docx
- Unit 13 Treatment.pptx
- Unit 13 Treatment Packet.pdf
- APMyers3e_Unit 13 - Strive Answer Key.pdf
- Early Techniques for Mental Health.mov
- Client (Person) Centred Therapy.wmv
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Example Anxiety Treatment Psychotherapy.wmv
- Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.mp4
- Gestalt Therapy-Empty Chair Technique Start at 315.wmv
- Current ECT.wmv
- Unit 14 Social Psychology Key Terms.docx
- Unit 14 Social Psychology PPT.pptx
- Unit 14 Social Psychology Packet.pdf
- APMyers3e_Unit 14 - Strive Answer Key.pdf
- Foot in the Door technique.wmv
- Sherif- Robbers Cave.mp4
- Central and Peripheral Route.mp4
- Stanley Milgram Obedience Experiment.mp4
- Stanley Milgram Experiment - Obedience.mov
- The Bystander Effect The Death of Kitty Genovese.flv
- Asch_Conformity_Experiment.wmv
- The smoke filled room study.wmv
- Moral Dilemmas - shocking social psychology Milgram Experiment.wmv
- Leon Festinger - A Lesson In Cognitive Dissonance.flv
- Stanford Prison Experiment.mp4
- The Stanford Prison Experiment _ Zimbardo, 1972 _ Social Psychology.mp4
- The Power of the Situation 1225 Prison Experiment.mp4
- Psychology_ The Mere-Exposure-Effect.mp4
- Psychology Lessons What Is the Fundamental Attribution Error.wmv
- MOD 1.pptx
- MOD 2.pptx
- MOD 3.pptx
- MOD 4.pptx
- MOD 5.pptx
- MOD 6.pptx
- MOD 7.pptx
- MOD 8.pptx
- MOD 9.pptx
- MOD 10.pptx
- MOD 11.pptx
- MOD 12.pptx
- MOD 13.pptx
- MOD 14.pptx
- MOD 15.pptx
- MOD 16.pptx
- MOD 17.pptx
- MOD 18.pptx
- MOD 19.pptx
- MOD 20.pptx
- MOD 21.pptx
- MOD 22.pptx
- MOD 23.pptx
- MOD 24.pptx
- MOD 25.pptx
- MOD 26.pptx
- MOD 27.pptx
- MOD 28.pptx
- MOD 29.pptx
- MOD 30.pptx
- MOD 31.pptx
- MOD 32.pptx
- MOD 33.pptx
- MOD 34.pptx
- MOD 35.pptx
- MOD 36.pptx
- MOD 37.pptx
- MOD 38.pptx
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- MOD 75.pptx
- MOD 76.pptx
- MOD 77.pptx
- MOD 78.pptx
- MOD 79.pptx
- MOD 80.pptx
- Unit 1 History Packet Full.pdf
- Unit 2 Research Methods Packet Full.pdf
- Unit 3 Biology Packet.pdf
- Unit 4 Sensation and Perception Packet.pdf
- Unit 5 States of Consciousness Packet.pdf
- Unit 6 Learning Packet.pdf
- Unit 7 Cognition and Language Packet.pdf
- Unit 8 Motivation Emotion and Stress Packet.pdf
- Unit 9 Development Packet.pdf
- Unit 10 Personality Packet.pdf
- Unit 11 Testing and ID Packet.pdf
- Unit 12 Abnormal Packet.pdf
- Unit 13 Treatment Packet.pdf
- Unit 14 Social Psychology Packet.pdf
- Flash Cards - Major Figures in Psychology.pdf
- Flashcard Important Studies.pdf
- Famous Contributors.pdf
- Review - Major Theorists.pdf
- roger_hock_-_forty_studies_that_changed_psychology_6th_edition.pdf
- Psychologists and Contributions.pdf
- Myers Images and Charts.pdf
- Perspectives of Psychology Flashcards.pdf
- Sensation and Perception Flashcards.pdf
- Stages of Development Flashcards.pdf
- Flashcard Confusing Pairs.pdf
- Confusing pairs.pdf
- Brain Structures with Functions.pdf
- Brain Mnemonics.pdf
- Neuron Paragraph and Diagram.pdf
- Kohlberg - Heinz Dilemma.pdf
- Piaget vs. Erikson Stages Review.pdf
- Defense Mechanism Practice.pdf
- Id Ego Superego and Defense Mechanisms.pdf
- Important People Review Wkst.pdf
- 180 AP Psych Analogies Review.pdf
- Multitude Review Miscellaneous.pdf
- History and Research.pdf
- Research Advantages and Disadvantages.pdf
- AP Psychology Statistics Terms Defined.pdf
- Statistical Significance and P-Values.pdf
- Descriptive Stats Activity.pdf
- Conditioning Recap.pdf
- Sternberg's Triarchic Theory.pdf
- Emotional Intelligence Scale.pdf
- Classic Studies in Psych Milgram Harlow Mischel Sherif and Others.pdf
- Context Memory IV and DV.pdf
- Proactive VS Retroactive Interference_.pdf
- Language Nature VS Nurture.pdf
- Personality Activities.pdf
- AP Psychology Confusing Pairs Part 1.mp4
- AP Psych Confusing Pairs Part 2.mp4
- Discovering Psychology.wmv
- Psychological Research_ Crash Course Psychology .mp4
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Research Methods.mp4
- Russian Experiments Make Pet Foxes.mp4
- Symmetry and Skewness (1.8).mp4
- P Value Explained _ What is a P-Value.mp4
- Understanding the p-value - Statistics Help.wmv
- Using Statistics in Psychology _ Psychology.mp4
- Neurons-How they work-Human Brain.wmv
- Action Potential.wmv
- Phineas Gage.reinactment.wmv
- The power of the placebo effect - Emma Bryce.mp4
- Ivan Pavlov Classical Conditioning.mp4
- Watson and Little Albert.wmv
- The difference between classical and operant conditioning.mp4
- Social Cognitive Approach, Albert Bandura, and Locus of Control .mp4
- Supertasters Taste Buds.mp4
- Video Describing the Process of Hearing and How it Works MED-EL.wmv
- The Amygdala in 5 Minutes.mp4
- The Power of the Situation 1225 Prison Experiment.mp4
- The Strange Situation _ Mary Ainsworth, 1969 _ Developmental Psychology.mp4
- Thorndike-Law of Effect.wmv
- Big_Bang_Theory_Operant_Conditioning.wmv
- The Stanford Prison Experiment _ Zimbardo, 1972 _ Social Psychology.mp4
- The Bystander Effect The Death of Kitty Genovese.flv
- Psychology_ The Mere-Exposure-Effect.mp4
- Stanley Milgram Obedience Experiment.mp4
- Test Your Awareness Do The Test.wmv
- Stanley Milgram Experiment - Obedience.mov
- Stanford Prison Experiment.mp4
- Eidetic Memory Kim Peek Idiot Savant ( Rain Man ).mp4
- Awake Brain Waves.wmv
- Stage 1 Sleep Waves.wmv
- Stage 2 Sleep Waves.wmv
- Stage 4 Sleep Waves.wmv
- REM Sleep Waves.wmv
- Skeeter the Narcoleptic Poodle.mp4
- Secure, Avoidant & Ambivalent Attachment in Mothers & Babies.mp4
- Sherif- Robbers Cave.mp4
- Primary Reflexes.wmv
- Piaget - Stage 1 - Sensorimotor Object Permenence.wmv
- Piaget - Stage 2 - Preoperational - Lack of Conservation.wmv
- Egocentrism for Stage 2 with Stage 3 Comparison.wmv
- Piaget - Stage 3 - Concrete - Reversibility.wmv
- Concrete VS Formal operational child.wmv
- Piaget - Stage 4 - Formal - Deductive Reasoning.wmv
- Zone of Proximal Development.wmv
- Overview of Lawrence Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development.mp4
- Kinsey Masters and Johnson lets_talk_about_sex_crash_course_psychology.mp4
- Pavlov's Dogs Get Conditioned.wmv
- Pavlov.wmv
- Bandura Bobo Doll- Observational Learning.wmv
- Atkinson and Shiffrin Model of Memory.mp4
- Long Term Memory _ Tulving (1972) _ Procedural, Semantic .mp4
- Loftus and Plamer (1974).mp4
- Miller's Magic Number.mp4
- super-memorist.wmv.wmv
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.wmv
- What is OCD.wmv
- Schizophrenia Overview til 500.wmv
- On Being Sane In Insane Places _ David Rosenhan's Hospital Experiment _ Mental Health .mp4
- Medical mystery Conversion Disorder.mp4
- Bipolar Overview.wmv
- Enjoying Anorexia.mov
- Hypochondria Diagnosis.flv
- HM and the Hippocampus.mp4
- Insight Learning- Bird and Banana.wmv
- Harry Harlow Monkey.wmv
- Freud's The Id Ego and Superego.wmv
- Freud's Defense Mechanisms.wmv
- Freuds Psychosexual Stages.wmv
- Freud - Psychoanalysis.mp4
- Foot in the Door technique.wmv
- Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.mp4
- Daniel Goleman Introduces Emotional Intelligence.mp4
- Current ECT.wmv
- Gestalt Therapy-Empty Chair Technique Start at 315.wmv
- Client (Person) Centred Therapy.wmv
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Example Anxiety Treatment Psychotherapy.wmv
- Clive_Wearing.wmv.wmv
- A Lesson In Cognitive Dissonance.flv
- (Yerkes-Dodson Law) Shot Science Basketball.wmv
- Asch_Conformity_Experiment.wmv
- Amazing Apes Self-awareness.wmv
- SELF RECOGNITION and Children.wmv
World History
Online Support
- SSWH17 WWI.pptx
- SSWH17 Guided Questions.docx
- World War I A New Kind of War.asf
- The Battle of Verdun.mp4
- The Battle of the Somme July 1 1916.asf
- Total War- Raising Money Conservation and Government Controls.asf
- Committee on Public Information Propaganda Agency.asf
- Sinking of the Lusitania and the Zimmerman Telegram.asf
- 1919 The Versailles Peace Conference Herbert Hoover Raises Relief Money for Starving Europe.asf
- Hirohito and Japan.asf
- Japan Invades China.asf
- SSWH18 PPT.pptx
- SSWH18 Between The Wars Guided Questions.docx
- Russia Revolution and Formation of USSR.wmv
- Bloody Sunday.asf
- Duma Constitutional Monarchy.asf
- Romanov- Czar Nicholas II March 5 1917.asf
- Germany After WWI.asf
- Adolph Hitler and the Rise of the Nazi Party.asf
- Adolph Hitler Start 052.wmv
- Treaty of Versialles-Germany After WWI.asf
- Mussolini and Italy.asf
- Italy's Invasion and Conquest of Ethiopia.asf
- Benito Mussolini Start 103.wmv
- The Spanish Civil War 1936 start 028.asf
- SSWH19 WWII Question Notes Spaced.docx
- Hitler Invades Poland September 1 1939.asf
- Battle of Britain.asf
- Leningrad Scorched-Earth.asf
- The Battle of Stalingrad and Allied Bombing of Germany.asf
- Total War- Raising Money Conservation and Government Controls.asf
- June 6 1944 D Day and Its Aftermath.asf
- The Early War in the Pacific (Philippines and Coral Sea).asf
- The Battle of Midway.asf
- The Battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa.asf
- August 1942 The Attack on Guadalcanal.asf
- The Battle of North Africa.asf
- Erwin Rommel The Fight for North Africa.wmv
- El Alamein with Churchill Speech.asf
- August 1942 Battle at El Alamein.asf
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- Tehran Conference Stalin Meets with U S and Great Britain to Reaffirm Commitment in War Efforts.asf
- The Yalta Conference and Plans to Rebuild Europe.asf
- The Yalta Conference.asf
- Atomic Bomb Ends World War II Potsdam Conference.wmv
- Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan.wmv
- The Birth of the United Nations and Postwar Recovery.asf
- The First Meeting of the United Nations in 1946.asf
- World War II The World at War.asf
- SSWH20 Cold War 2019 GSE.pptx
- SSWH20 Guided Questions.docx
- America in the 20th Century The Cold War.wmv
- The Arms Race Atomic Bomb and Hydrogen Bomb.asf
- Cuban Missile Crisis.wmv
- Israel and Palestine The Roots of Conflict.asf
- Nasser_Mobilizes_Arab_World_against_Israel.asf
- Vietnam War.wmv
- The Siege of Dien Bien Phu A French Military Disaster.asf
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- Indian Independence and Gandhis Death.asf
- South Africa- Apartheid's Legacy.asf
- The End of Apartheid.asf
- Africa in Focus Ghana start at 1800.asf
- Tiananmen Square- Dissent in China.asf
- End of the Cold War.wmv
- USA vs USSR Fight! The Cold War Crash Course World History #39.mp4
- SSWH21-22 Independence Movements and Beyond 2019.pptx
- SSWH21-22 Guided Questions.docx
- What is pan-Africanism.mp4
- Pan-Africanism.mp4
- Pan-Arab Nationalism.mp4
- Khrushchev Thaw - History of Russia in 100 Minutes (Part 31 of 36).mp4
- Gorbachev.asf
- Gorbachev and Yeltsin Present the New USSR.wmv
- How and Why Did the Soviet Union Collapse.mp4
- Civil War in Yugoslavia Bosnia-Herzegovina.wmv
- Civil War and Genocide in Rwanda.wmv
- Modern Terrorism.mp4
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- Indira Gandhi Mini Bio.mp4
- Indira Gandhi.mp4
- Mini BIO - Margaret Thatcher.mp4
- Margaret Thatcher Biography of the Iron Lady.flv